Warcraft III heroes
There are thirty-five playable heroes from the Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne campaigns, eleven of which are NPCs in World of Warcraft, with at least five more to be arriving with The Burning Crusade , you can find a list of these heroes linked to WoW creatures at http://wowd.org/heroes.html (Edit: Now complete with all heroes from the campaigns)
Many have been killed since introduced. All these heroes was present during the campaigns.
- Jaina Proudmoore (Alliance-friendly NPC at Theramore Isle)
- Antonidas (Slain by Arthas, ghost put to rest by Kael'thas)
- Conjurus Rex (Slain by Arthas, ghost put to rest by Kael'thas)
- Landazar (Slain by Arthas, ghost put to rest by Kael'thas)
- Kael'thas (Formerly, became expelled from the alliance by Garithos)
- Muradin Bronzebeard (Presumed "Slain" by Arthas, But is later revealed to be alive in Northrend as the leader of the Frostborn, with no memory who he was)
- Baelgun Flamebeard (Alive, Survived the encounter with Arthas in Azjol Nerub)
- Arthas (Became a Death Knight and later Lich King)
- Uther Lightbringer (Slain by Arthas)
- Gavinrad the Dire (Slain by Arthas)
- Sage Truthbearer (Slain by Arthas)
- Ballador the Bright (Alive, survived the encounter with Arthas)
- Duke Lionheart (Slain by Tyrande Whisperwind)
- Dagren the Orcslayer (Survived his encounter with Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas combined forces, later slain by the orc Samuro)
- Halahk the Lifebringer (Slain by Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas combined forces)
- Magroth the Defender (Slain by Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas combined forces)
- Admiral Proudmoore (Slain by Rexxar)
- Jennalla Deemspring (Slain by Arthas, Kel'Thuzad and Sylvanas combined forces)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (Formerly, until Arthas slew and recreated her as a banshee)
- Garithos (Slain by Varimathras under Sylvanas' order)
Illidan's forces
- Illidan Stormrage (Came in The Burning Crusade, last boss in The Black Temple)
- Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider (Came in The Burning Crusade, last boss in The Eye in Tempest Keep)
- Akama (Came in The Burning Crusade, quest giver and leader of the faction Ashtongue Deathsworn)
- Lady Vashj (Came in The Burning Crusade, last boss in Serpentshrine Cavern's in Coilfang Reservoir )
- Serena Scarscale (Alive)
- Lady Serpentra (Presumed dead)
Naga Sea Witch
- Scilla Murkshadow (Slain by Rexxar)
- Lady Darkscale (Slain by Rexxar)
Underworld Minions
Sea witch
- Zar'jira (The Sea Witch, The Goddess of the Underworld minions)
- Murloc Sorceror (Slain by Thrall's forces)
Night Elf (Watchers, Sentinels, Druids) and Cenarians
- Cenarius (Slain by Grom Hellscream, though he still lives in the Emerald Dream)
- Califax (Jailor of Illidan, Slain by Tyrande)
- Malfurion Stormrage (Alliance and Horde-friendly NPC appearing in the Moonglade as part of the opening of AQ gates questline)
- Tyrande Whisperwind (Alliance-friendly NPC at Darnassus)
- Maiev Shadowsong (Came in The Burning Crusade, Jailed by Illidan)
- Shandris Feathermoon (Alliance-friendly NPC at Feathermoon Stronghold)
- Ner'zhul The Lich King (Assimilated with Arthas. It is unknown to what extent he exists now)
- Arthas (Also Undead because he became Damned when he took Frostmourne, last boss in Icecrown Citadel, Wrath of the Lich King)
- Kel'Thuzad (The Lich. Boss in Naxxramas, beatable by players, whether he is dead is unsure, returned in Wrath of the Lich King)
- Anub'arak (Last boss in Azjol-Nerub in Wrath of the Lich King)
- Sylvanas Windrunner (Horde-friendly NPC in the Undercity. Slain and ressurected by Arthas as the Banshee Queen she is now)
- Varimathras (He is a Horde-friendly NPC in the Undercity, Until the event Battle for the Undercity in which he attempts to reclaim the city for the Dreadlord Insurgents)
Burning Legion
- Kil'jaeden (The right hand of Sargeras, he came in The Burning Crusade, last boss in the raid Sunwell Plateau)
- Archimonde (The left hand of Sargeras, he was Slain by Malfurion and the cadre of others at Hyjal, last boss in Battle for Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time)
- Tichondrius (The racial leader of the Dreadlords, Slain by Illidan)
- Anetheron (The successor of Tichondrius, later succeeded by his brother Mephistroth. Came in The Burning Crusade, a boss in Battle for Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time)
- Mephistroth (Seen briefly in The Dreadlords Convene. Alive in the Twisting Nether, Current leader of the Nathrezim)
- Talnivarr the Sleeper (Formerly, currently a Nathrezim Gladiator)
- Dalvengyr (Slain by Kael'thas)
- Mal'ganis (Presumed "Slain" by Arthas but he appears to have survived via possession, he can be encountered in Icecrown Glacier in Wrath of the Lich King. He is also a boss in Culling of Stratholme, Caverns of Time)
- Mannoroth (The Pit Lord King. Slain by Grom Hellscream, Succeeded by Azgalor)
- Azgalor (Current Pit Lord King. Came in The Burning Crusade, a boss in Battle for Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time. He yet lives on in the Twisting Nether)
- Rage Winterchill (A lich fanatically loyal to the Burning Legion. He came in The Burning Crusade, a boss in Battle for Mount Hyjal, Caverns of Time)
Magtheridon's Forces
Pit Lord
- Magtheridon (Came in The Burning Crusade, last boss in Magtheridon's Lair)
-Fel Orc Blademasters. (They all fell against Illidans forces)
Dreadlord Insurgents
- Detheroc (Slain by Sylvanas Forces but believed to have survived his demise, he is presumed to be in the Twisting Nether)
- Balnazzar (Slain by the forces of Sylvanas, Varimathras and Garithos, but he somehow survived via possession and now returns as a boss in Stratholme)
- Varimathras (Formerly)
- Morbent Fell (Slain by the forces of Sylvanas, Varimathras and Garithos)
- Ras Splinterspine (Slain by the forces of Sylvanas, Varimathras and Garithos)
- Thrall (Former Warchief of the Horde as he temporarily gave the leadership Garrosh. Thrall is now called by "The Earth-Warder" since Cataclysm)
- Drek'Thar (Horde-friendly NPC located at Frostwolf Keep in Alterac Valley. Also Located at Garadar in Nagrand)
- Grom Hellscream (Slain by Mannoroth)
- Samuro (Warcraft III) (Alive)
- Vol'jin (Son of Sen'jin and chieftain of the Darkspear trolls. Horde-friendly NPC in Darkspear Hold on Echo Isles)
- Rokhan (Horde-friendly NPC now situated in Dragonblight in Northrend, Wrath of the Lich King)
- Sen'jin (Leader of the Darkspear trolls. Slain by a Murloc Sorceror)
- Cairne Bloodhoof (Deceased in Cataclysm. He fell in a duel against Garrosh Hellscream, Garrosh's weapon was poisoned by Magatha Grimtotem which was unknown to Garrosh himself)
- Rexxar (Horde-friendly NPC wandering Desolace and Feralas, now found in Blade's Edge Mountains post BC)
- Chen Stormstout (Alive, Located somewhere on Pandaria)
Blackrock Clan
Fel Orc Blademaster
- Jubei'Thos (Slain by Arthas & Kel'Thuzad)
- Blademaster of the Blackrock Clan (Slain by Arthas)
- Haomarush (Slain by Arthas & Kel'Thuzad)
- Khanzo (Slain by Arthas & Kel'Thuzad)
- Genjuros (Slain by Arthas & Kel'Thuzad)
Far Seer
- Throk'Feroth (Slain by Arthas & Kel'Thuzad)
- Mazrigos (Slain by Arthas & Kel'Thuzad)
Stormreaver Clan
- Gul'dan (Deceased, killed in the Tomb of Sargeras)
source : List of Warcraft III hero units
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